Fuck it,
Let’s Make a Band
Let’s Make a Band
On the day 30 odd people came together and were introduced to a series of prompts which, aided by props culminated in the group co-producing a song, costumes and dance routine that was performed a couple of times for a series of unsuspecting passersby. The propositions drew from feminist pedagogies seeking a horizontal structure to co-devise and tend to a supportive atmosphere.
- Punk Picnic Blankets, fabric and paint, dimensions variable, 2016.
test and inhabit punk's often repeated claim that 'anyone can do it' and that ‘you just need a few like minded people and some instruments'.
On the day the self selecting public adopted the formation of the band and punks primal channeling of joy and rage to make a spectacle of ourselves as a political act.* Cutting through the political shit storm that was (and continues from) the Summer of 2016.
The day now exists as a short film (Fuck it, Let’s Make a Band, 10mins), a booklet (A Punk Manual) and various props and propositions from the day.
The band was: Tim Brennan, Zarina Muhammad, Katie Rodgers, Beth Bramich, an anonymous french woman, Ellie Wyatt, Daniel Jeronymides Norie, Alex Chandri, Eva and Rosa Nussbaum, Giles Bunch, Gabrielle de la Puente, Joe Summers, Katherine Fishman, Molly Irwin Clarke, Rosa Irwin Clarke, Jess Pumphrey, Henry Tran, Chloe Cooper, Vicky Lewis, Lou Macnamara, Matt Randle and Claudi Capocci. The film was shot with the help of Katherine Fishman and sound by Joe Summers.
From the ashes of 'Fuck it' emerged molejoy. Our punk band.
After the Antiuniversity moment we started molejoy with Giles Brunch. In 2018 molejoy recorded an EP the help of Beth Bramich and Simon Clear at Wysing Art Centre. I HATE IT BUT IT’S FREE was self released in 2019.
* Evan Ifekoya, twitter quote.