What Happened Between?
What Happened Between? was an exhibition and events series at Lewisham Arthouse in 2017. The installation consisted of Plunge floor work and cushions, collage prints Magic Holes and Psychic Threads and a library Golden Girdles. In the event series there were workshops, a screening, presentations and a gig. 

In the spirit of coming together to take ourselves apart 
— Kyla Wazana Tompkins (We Aren’t Here to Learn What We Already Know)

It was the culmination of our year-long Graduate Residency Award at Lewisham Arthouse. It was a considered environment and a point to bring people together in a space - to acknowledge gaps and overlaps, expose the unseen construction site and prop the supports. Support is usually ‘derided and discarded by authority and depoliticized by the mechanisms of it’ (Céline Condorelli and Gavin Wade). The week long exhibition was dedicated to slowing down, appreciating what has happened, recognising who was around us and citing those who had helped us along the way.

Between the secret interior and the public exterior, carrying items to trade— Hannah Black on Gossip.

The events featured a number of friends and colleagues: Suzanne van Rossenberg on her research into interdisciplinarity, The White Pube (Gabrielle de la Puente and Zarina Muhammad) on how they came to work together, Chloe Cooper on friendship as an occupation, A Navigation a film Phoebe Davies and Nandi Bhebhe, and live performances by Zuleika Lebow, KINSINSKINS (nee Best Praxis), Scrotum Clamp, Rainham Sheds, Julia Star, NX Panther and molejoy

Full events programme here.
Download the library resource here

Images: Documentation of the installation, collage Magic Holes and Psychic Threads. Documentation of the events series.
Main image: cushion as part of Plunge.

 © 2025 Sophie and Kerri